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Crossout Miller Car

Been awhile, not sure if wordpress had templates or a way to reuse formats. Here if I copy old post and replace all text does that work??? let’s see.


Started with a high 5000ps build, worked its way from 100 up to 180 score. Lightweight 2x miller build, biggest problem is it’s unstable with very high impulse kickback.

Tried a fully loaded cooler, radiator & oculus build. For a sustain sniper, oculus is surprisingly helpful. But score stayed at 153. I think miller can shoot infinite range, but there’s spread, and impulse makes it wider, not ideal for real sniper car.

Got an optimized build Miller1 at low 5000ps. I find that 2 on top of cabin has broader shoot range, but unstable once parts start flying off, that means cabin top is better for PVE score, but worse for PVP. Front miller is lowered, this makes it bit more stable, but can’t shoot backward. Rear miller stays on cabin top.


Also tried a Miller2 lighter version in 4000ps, where impulse becomes more an issue since there’s no weight to balance it.

Long car, 2 front guns with rear higher than front. PVE score 587.

Short car, 1 front gun, 1 rear on cabin (like the 5000ps Miller1). PVE 648.

Square car, 2 guns on side and low. PVE 498. Interesting playstyle always aiming to one side while not looking where I’m driving to. Square is more stable, but sometimes car still jitters or does weird things to mess with driving. PVP 267 (unsure if enough samples).

Square car, 2 guns on side, front low, rear higher. PVE 442. Rear gun can now shoot forward, but more unstable.


Long car, 2 rear guns, some bumpers, but very low 600hp. Like a worm build with a silly cabin in front, but with cheap wheels. PVP 110. I guess it’s not played as wormbuild since the front blocks it annoyingly, it’s more defensive playstyle. Basically rear to enemy, longrange snipe, and use the impulse to speedup & escape. Yes it helps survive bit longer, but quite disorienting to drive backwards basically blind. If the goal’s survive then this is great, but this build is for points, so yolo is it.

Long car, 2 rear guns, removed bumpers, 600hp. PVP 74, oof. Long car also means sideways shooting tends to twist the car so it’s hardly drivable.

Long car, 2 rear guns, 1 raised to shoot over front of cabin, some bumpers, 600hp. PVP 86, better?

Long car, 2 rear guns, 1 raised, some bumpers, 600hp. Tweaked armor to no block rear gun. PVP 96, better. Sometimes a gun should rotate 45 degrees to reach the reticle, but instead it does a slow 315 degrees the wrong way. Miller turnrate is quite slow so this detail can cost the match.

Long car, 2 rear guns, 1 raised, removed bumpers, 600hp, tweaked armor for turn angle. PVP 41, oof. Seems bumpers give stabilizing weight.

Long car, 2 rear guns, 1 raised, bumpers replaced with hp, total 700hp, tweaked armor for turn angle. PVP 110.

Conclusion is a superlite Miller wormbuild doesn’t work. Maybe non-wheels are needed.

Short Car

So short symmetrical car is conservative design but also got best PVE score of 648.

PVP 182.

Add fuel, bumpers, to high 4000ps. PVP 183. Surprising it didn’t tank. The previous 4000ps cars can’t compare with 5000ps car since the later has everything with fuel etc. But now we can compare more fairly.

Minor armor tuning, and lowering weight balance. PVP 199, a definite improvement.

Note more recent PVPs were on the new Halloween Trick or Treat mode, and older are from any of the pvp modes not sure. Each mode might have distortion on the scores achievable. Both 5000 & 4000 versions are around 180-200 score, so might as well free up the 5000 car, blueprints are valueable now.

Crossout Melee Speedy Car

This blog’s been forgotten for a long time. Figure it deserves some updating… Seems every wordpress gui changed so no idea what’s happening, might take time to get used to these features & tools.

Been improving minor points on my old lightweight melee car.

Firstly I’m maybe at midstage, but still fairly noob at this Crossout game. Players do amazing with melee around 3000-7000ps, but whenever I try melee it’s way harder than it looks. It’s far from just mindless W to win.

Original car (well V2) is mid 4k ps, gets score of 560 (scoring pretty arbitrary, hopefully consistent for my own comparisons, and for my own goals. Other players might prefer other metrics or goals.).

V3 can reach 110kmh, faster acceleration, but still feels sluggish somehow. Closer to low 4k ps, was focused on low hp, lower weight, speedy.
Started V3 at 352 score, quite bad.

Adding rear weight raised to 472 score. It balanced the weight, I think previous car was to front heavy & dragged, not really sure. I do appreciate how building isn’t just slap parts together to drive an arcade racer, instead there’s physics, balancing, center of mass, steering etc considerations in building a functional car.

Moving front wheels bit forward leveled the car better. I thought it’ll raise the turning radius, making it harder to chase enemies, but the scores show slight rise, got 521.

Making the rear wheels non steering, raised to 574 score.

Alot of changes seem counterintuitive and only way is to be patient, rigorously test them, and be surprised which combo works, and certain improvements won’t work on every car.

Around 50 score change might be up to noise, and how many samples taken. Wish I knew how many samples is sufficient but I haven’t looked into statistics much recently. Once the averages stablize then I’d call it a day.

Also testing in PVE vs PVP has lots of issues to consider.

It’s a bit of work, but I figure new version must pass the pve test with stable results, then pass pvp test which is usually way harder. There are times when new versions get worse score, so I can’t clear out the valueable blueprints just yet until a car proves itself.


Major Supercharged Update to movement/graphics just happened. Wheels feel bit different but hard to know what exactly or how. Specifically complicates melee builds that rely on great steering. There’s some forums talk of non steering wheels gaining importance, front vs back, friction, drifting, turning size etc.

Different time/players can distort results, but V3 car had PVE score 583. Post update got score 324. Might be the higher realism, so cars wobble with more sensitive to weight distribution & center of mass. After rebalancing I got 723 (but too few samples). Note V3 has half non steering wheels, while V2 is all steering.

V2 car didn’t have enough samples, but scored 561 before. Post update 449.

With many samples of both melee cars, seems update nerfs melees.

Now confirmed V3 has higher PVE score post update.

For awhile PVP is hard to tune, more random, scores always much lower than PVE. V3 tend to lose out.

V2 score was 239. With drone removed it tanked to 57, which makes no sense as the drone’s pretty useless.

V3 score was 192. With drone removed it rose to 283, suppose lowering ps makes sense. Maybe drone location & weight cause balance issues on both cars.

Nice that officially V3 is improved, and V2 can free up a valueable blueprint space. Still lots of room for upgrading, like balancing, hp, also don’t like the low ps that’ll cause longer wait times.


After big Crossout 2.0 update, and several wheel physics changes, the car drives very weird. In garage it can usually make tight turns, but not a circle as before, and it’s a weird random pretzel? In matches, sometimes the turnrate is massively wide like a train, very hard to aim for melee with the lag, strange wheel drift and bigger turn. Average score 221 now, might think up how to fix the wheels but it’s not clear what’s causing the large turn.

More strange results, only counting new results post update, same day. V3 standard car got way higher PVE at 428 vs all-steering at 264. But for real PVP V3 got 112, while all-steering got 184. Even during V3 PVE matches, the laggy big turnrate was not consistent & notably frustrating despite higher score. Might need more PVP samples, but will choose more steering for now.

Both however have trouble driving with hills, like quite badly, and V3 likes to flip.