WordPress on WordPress

There quite some differences between the WordPress hosted version and blog installed on a private host.

I’m working on an installed WordPress, with lots more flexibility. But uploading has permission problems.

Now I can use the WordPress upload interface, and FTP uploaded files can only be linked by absolute URLs so it’s very cumbersome. I need to upload via FTP, but use short relative links to refer on posts/pages. That would be easier to organize and for future site migration.

Not the shortest, but I got a relative link to work. So allows at least migrating domain name, thanks to a Permalink plugin to change the link addresses.

Also, the wordpress.com version is especially slow (installed is no better, probably the similar WP interface always had speed issues). Maybe using a desktop blogger would help. If they made it all Ajax like Yahoo/Google, then it would be much faster

EDIT: got mass uploading to streamline. After trying several plugins, I decided to forget the WP upload UI entirely. Some plugins did nicely in attempting to organize uploads/folders, but they’re dragged down by some WP UI simplicity/slowness. So in a recent gig where I was asked to place many files in organized folders/categories, I FTPed directly, and used relative links in the WP page posts. This allows a bit more flexibility in future migration. And the folder plugins would place files in the same compatible locations as the manual FTPs. Only difference is the former has a WP database record (which is not useful yet). All the file links work on the pages/posts, so WP installed does have more flexibility it seems.

Also for the default Flash uploader, Firefox is nonfunctional, while Explorer uploads quickly. I find that weird because Flash is the same plugin from Adobe…hmm….

Posted on 02/16/2009, in code. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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