
learned more Python…there’s so much to learn from Python. Like other OOP languages, but also owns an origin of shell scripting (the syntax of which annoys me to no end). I don’t know why this choice, like mashing two opposites. Anyways, I first used Python for coding 3D stuff, in the previous century (yep, or say millennium?).  Nice it came into Maya finally.

I got 3 procedures so far. One plants stuff at random vertices of a poly plane’s border. Thanks a lot to some python random module. Second makes nice pointOnCurve locators to control a curve. Third generates a random, very thoughtless curve.

No idea what I’m aiming for. The company doesn’t have a storyboard, so we’re kinda imagining what vines need to do. There’s a separate giant tree, but I guess/hope the modeling someone else will happily do!

The vine disk distribution kinda works fine, but the point is getting the anim rig onto the stalk of vines. But the only part where this might help is if a director wants to manually steer a stalk instead of one vine.

Recently I’m thinking of particles bound in a volume or on a surface, and to what extent can they maneuver. Maybe thinking to far…my group talking….35!#$#%##%@#—…did i hear ice cliffs cracking, exploding into sea water and monsters in simulated liquid?????? What am I supposed to do? I can serve coffee!

I just remembered a walking script I have in both maxscript and mel versions, about time I organized everything.

Posted on 06/26/2008, in code and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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